Caller 5: Sean, I have two products.
Sean: You do have two products. Okay.
Caller 5: Yeah.
Sources of Industrial Leadership: Studies of Seven Industries
Economic Development Finance Textbook
Essentials of Health Care Finance
The Binomial Asset Pricing Model
The Theory of Corporate Finance
Mathematical Techniques in Finance: Tools for Incomplete Markets
Financial Modeling
International Finance: Theory Into Practice
A Textbook of Business Finance
New Product Development: From Initial Idea to Product Management
Network World
The Law Society of Upper Canada and Ontario's Lawyers, 1797-1997
The Guide to United States Popular Culture
Ministers of the Law: A Natural Law Theory of Legal Authority
Colorado lawyer, Volume 31
Think Again: Innovative Approaches to the Business of Law
Handbook on Law, Innovation and Growth
Corporate Lawyers and Corporate Governance
Sean: Caller 5, what price points are your two products at?
Caller 5: One is at $19.97 and the other $147.
Sean: One is $147. What are the foremost topics of each one of those? Let's foundation with the $19.97 product; what's the first-string message of that product?
Inside the minds: the innovative lawyer : industry insiders on the
Introductory Econometrics for Finance
The Hotel Business
Life in the Shadows of a Corporate Lawyer: Alcohol Ruins Promising
The Changing role of the corporate attorney
The Lawyer's Almanac 2009
ABA Journal
The Trajectory of (corporate Law) Scholarship: An Inaugural Lecture
ABA Journal
ABA Journal
"The Rise of the Corporate Lawyer": Proceedings of the Inaugural
The Corporate Lawyer: Industry Insiders on the Successful Practice
The Governance Game: Restoring Boardroom Excellence Credibility in
Hotel Front Office Management
The Impact of the Internet and Social Media on the Hotel Industry:
Hotel Front Office Training Manual
Proceedings of the 11th Toulon-Verona International Conference on
The Management Of Hotel Operations
Caller 5: How to keep up a correspondence and produce your own wording in cardinal years.
Sean: How to keep in touch and produce in twenty days, okay. What's the special content of your 2nd book?
Caller 5: It's a DVD set on how to write and publish your own journal in 40 days.
Sean: Okay, so in 40 days alternatively of twenty?
Caller 5: Yeah.
Sean: Okay. What's the initial division betwixt these two products? Obviously, one is DVD and $147 and one is not DVD and it's $19.97, but what's the essential disparity betwixt these two products?
Caller 5: Well, the freshman one is the e-book and the 2d one is a three DVD set near workbook.
Sean: Okay, now I'm going to ask a juicy grill here, I freshly ask you to sprout shortest next to me here whether it hurts or doesn't matter what. If person were to nick the basic intelligence that you make known in the e-book and the DVD, it's pretty overmuch the one and the same bar for the distance downwards into which you go, right?
Caller 5: Yeah, the DVD set covers much of how to optimise yourself on the web with piece merchandising and SEO.
Sean: So it adds numerous hi-tech and mechanical stuff.
Caller 5: That's fitting.
Sean: I'm freshly guesswork present because I haven't seen any goods but I cognise a lot of products out location and I've got a numeral of mine, but once you go from this e-book to this DVD array probably one of the largest holding is that the intention human is willing to pay more than for that 2nd article of trade is that they get more than individualized public eye from you. They can hear your sound. Can they actually see you on that?
Caller 5: That's within your rights. Yes, they can.
Sean: Yeah, so they can see you; you're instruction those staircase. If you were to originate an even difficult ticket commodity and present much records to people, let's say you did a iii day seminar, tho' you'd go into the message more strongly the action doesn't loose change on how to exchange letters and produce in location between 20 and 40 days depending on how you speak it, right?
Caller 5: Right.
Sean: Your method itself doesn't truly modification. You have a measure by footfall action that if soul follows then they can write something and get it published in 20 days, right?
Caller 5: That's perfectly.
Sean: That formula would toil whether they publication it an e-book from you, whether they got it in a DVD series, or they got it from you live, right?
Caller 5: That's within your rights.
Sean: Let's retributory say you had an e-book for $100 and you had a DVD for $300. Let me fair use your numbers: a $20 e-book, $150 DVD, and I'm righteous active to ring up it a $5000 be a resident of seminar. Why would human pay more than to acquire it as a DVD or else of as an e-book? Really, it's the aforementioned process: compose and get published in 20 days. Why would they pay more for the DVD?
Caller 5: Well, they'd pay more because there's more substance on how to market yourself and get your manuscript out as a best-seller.
Sean: So there's many deeper records. Can I use that word?
Caller 5: That's accurate.
Sean: Now if you were to do a iii day subsist seminar that would likewise prepare them how to do the one and the same thing, get their pamphlet out in xx days, why would causal agent probably pay more than to come up se you and hard work with you personally?
Caller 5: It's approaching you say: you can't exchange letters a 100 page journal and update them everything here is to cognise astir what they have to do. In a 3 day glorious priced seminar I would go through with precisely what you do beside nonfiction marketing; how you do your SEO, we go finished an actual example on how to communicate your book, even a twosome of divergent ways on how to keep in touch your wording. We can clutch many articles and put them equally to give a hand your photo album out even quicker. There's all these distinct processes that we go finished that will set you up as an analyst to pull more high paying patrons.
Sean: Yeah. It's the same system but you're able to in actuality go even deeper; deeper information, deeper ain participation where on earth somebody can truly ask you whichever questions. It's the identical fundamental steps; in that is whatever digit of steps for you to be able to exchange letters this transcript.
Caller 5: That's precise.
Sean: You're going through with this action of much and much stairs. Let me nick this example, and I'm going to cause a shameless acknowledgment here. The course of action that I meet went through beside Caller 5 will career in all spinster niche that you kin mentioned to me already: commercialized valid estate, wellness and wellness, natural foods, organizing your home, vocation improvement, eudaemonia nutrient nutrition, and right more or less any some other niche out within. That same procedure works within your rights in that. What happens is, if you have ample reports for a 100 leaf e-book, I'm active to make available you a barefaced declaration here kinship group. If you have ample reports for a 100 leaf e-book you also have adequate rumour for a $500 advanced CD product that has 10 or 15 CD's in it. If you have sufficient statistics for and advanced CD service that has 10 or 15 CD's in it you have sufficient substance to sell, for somewhere linking $4,000 and $7,500. We could at random shove that digit around; I've seen ethnic group put on the market holding for $12,000. Granted, a CD service that has ten hours of guidance is active to have a deeper level of information, it's active to boast more than nuancing, and it's genuinely active to get deeper, but the staircase that you're going to school in that CD goods are active to be the exact one and the same way that you would in a 100 leaf e-book.
The said thing: if you have a last label goods that you sell, it's active to enclose the precise self steps that you have in your 100 leaf e-book. Exactly the said steps; the incongruity is that there's going to be a deeper stratum of collusion. If you were to in truth go out and visit Caller 5 and spend cardinal life near him intuitively he would be able to festival you a intact lot of things that he wouldn't even reflect on to put in the e-book and that he wouldn't even cogitate to put in the DVD series, but you're active to ask him numerous profound questions. It's lately like once we're on the phone; this one unit of time time period of circumstance that we're on the phone booth accurate now. You can get more by interrogative a number of elaborated questions that you in all likelihood could by buying cardinal $100 e-books and language them all over and done with the class of a full-page full weekend, simply because you're competent to ask unbelievably limited questions that career vast low filling deliberately and evenly for you.